
TESTIMONIAL: Blister - Liz

8th Sep 2022

"I had a BLISTER that festered before using TRANSFORMATION HERBAL SALVE Immediately after starting to use the salve on my blister the pain stopped; & I forgot about the blister... 24 hrs later … read more

TESTIMONIAL: Arthritis - Stephanie

8th Sep 2022

"I ordered the salve for my mom, who was suffering from severe arthritis pain in her wrists.  THS has totally eliminated all of her arthritic pain to the point that she cancelled her scheduled ap … read more

TESTIMONIAL: Blister: Pepper

18th Aug 2022

BLISTER"I got a blister on my finger from using a treadle sewing machine. I put your salve on it and NO more blister in the morning. See where my blister was?,... but it went away over night... and … read more