
TESTIMONIAL: Miraculous Salve: Rich

18th Aug 2022

MIRACULOUS SALVE“Liz, I want to tell you that I believe your THS is a miraculous salve for healing skin and dealing with the aches and pains we all have. I am so glad that I happened to call you and f … read more

TESTIMONIAL: Severe Pain: Margaret

18th Aug 2022

CAR WRECK“I just started using the transformation herbal salve a few months ago for severe inflammation and pain due to multiple health issues and back neck and shoulder injuries from a car wreck, and … read more

TESTIMONIAL: Achillies Tendon, Burn: Dana

18th Aug 2022

ACHILLES TENDON”The salve is amazing. I've been having some pain at the insertion of my achilles tendon on my left heel for weeks - in fact I've been worried that it was getting ready to rupture since … read more

TESTIMONIAL: 1st & 2nd Degree Burn: Liz

18th Aug 2022

1st & 2nd Degree BURN “I got distracted and swiped my fingers over the burner on the electric stove... It was on setting 7. I instantly got (What my husband I believe to be) 2nd & 3rd degree burns wit … read more