Clearing Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Pathways

6th May 2024


It's About Restoring Balance:

This Page Is Dedicated To Go Through The Right Conditions I Found That Help Me Clear The EMOTIONAL/MENTAL/SPIRITUAL Pathways... Restoring Balance Back Into My Body So My Body Could Heal Without Filling My Body with Chemicals Which Break Our Bodies Down.

Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Stress creates just as much Cortisol as Physical Stress Does...

Cortisol Creates Inflammation...

Symptoms of Inflammation are: Swelling, Bruising, Pressure, Pain...

Inflammation Can Create Physical Blockages If It Is Not Cleared... 

It is a vicious cycle, that must be broken.

This is what I found that breaks this vicious cycle:



Just breathe & Let what ever is bothering you go...

Pay attention that your posture is correct (looking straight forward, not slumping, or looking downward)...

Close your eyes... 

Inhale slowly (through your nose)...

Hold it... 

Exhale slowly (through your mouth)... 

Release the Stress & Upset... Don't own it... Don't Hold On To It

Do this 4 or 5 times anytime you are feeling stress, anxiety, depression, overwhelmed, it breaks the cycle... 

& is a Natural Remedy (no need for addictive pills filled with chemicals... this is a learning process). Changing the mindset! 

Restoring your emotional/mental balance is a necessary part of the healing process because our physical pathways are connected to our emotional, mental, & spiritual pathways.

I found leaving chaotic anxiety and stress behind... and breathing through stressful situations beneficial, which led me to meditation and grounding leading me to finding peace, connectivity, & pain relief.

Retraining my body to have balance was a very important part of healing for me. Not only were the deep breaths beneficial for me mentally, & emotionally but they helped me strengthen my lung capacity and it was something I didn’t have to get out of bed to do when I couldn’t.



My favorite way to relax is meditation using my senses (sight, smell, feel, hearing): I love to put lavender, or jasmine, or frankincense essential oils in a diffuser, with chakra crystals, candles, and with Tibetan singing bowls or Native American Flutes in the background… and focus on my breath and that is when I feel the most connected spiritually and turn to God in prayer :)



I work hard to correct my posture because bad posture puts pressure on the vagus nerve, which causes so many problems throughout our entire body. I encourage you to watch this video by Dr Ross Hauser. He explains it in details. VagusNerve Function & Pathology Webinar - Part 1- Ross Hauser, MD - YouTube

The vagus nerve controls our breathe, our emotions, and every organ in our body.  So our posture is a very important part of our physical/emotional/mental/& spiritual healing.  It's all connected.

When we are stressed we tend to slump our shoulders (which pinches that very important nerve & then we start breathing shallow, which creates more cortisol... which creates more inflammation).  It's the vicious cycle.



When I Couldn't Walk and I was working so hard to be able to walk again...I diverted my attention from the pain by focusing on what I could do… and stopped focusing on the pain and what I couldn't do… later I would be led to creating THS which helps me clear my pathways and I found I can manage all of the excruciating pain with it... and keep moving.

(I could only take 10 steps at a time; so, I had my son put chairs and stools along my path to the kitchen and I started my journey by never letting somebody get me something that I could get for myself (10 steps at a time). I remember telling myself over and over... "I'm so thankful I can still take these 10 steps", every time the pain was so bad and I wanted to stop I'd remind myself.

"Our bodies are designed to move...

so, keep moving (Even Small Movements Matter)…

and Don't Forget: Never Ever gave up!!!"...

Changing our mindset is crucial... We have to start focusing on the things we can do & stop letting the things we can't do own us.  Some people refer to this as manifestation.  

CLEARING MY EMOTIONAL/MENTAL/SPIRITUAL PATHWAYS WAS JUST AS CRUCIAL AS CLEARING MY PHYSICAL PATHWAYS Because these pathways create PHYSICAL BLOCKAGES in our bodies when we are struggling tolerating chaos other people create for us, or stressing about things we can't change.


5.  GROUNDING: [Link]

"Grounding is a practice that can help you pull away from flashbacks, unwanted memories, and negative or challenging emotions."



Soaking In Hot Springs, or Exercising in a Heated Pool is very relaxing to me.  There is never a time I regret being in the water.  I find it's easier to relax mentally & emotionally in the water. 



Spiritually, I lay my problems down at the Lords feet; have morning devotionals; I'm not perfect, but I do my best in whatever I commit myself to doing.  I don't like a lot of chaos, but just like everybody else sometimes it can follow me around; so I try to stay present, I try to choose peace & happiness over chaos and upset.

I've learned to release a lot of stresses from our Pastor: 

Randy Hadwick from Last Days Harvest Ministries, who preaches & teaches Home Churches on Youtube, and we really like that because we feel the spirit through his ministry.  We can be in the comfort of our own home (or where ever we are), or sitting in church.  Randy focuses on putting things in perspective, and how to live a Christlike life full of peace & respect.  He doesn't focus on making people uncomfortable, or dependent on him, or on his church.  He focuses on listening to the Lord, keeping things simple, teaches straight out of the gospel, & focuses on the Lord.  People join him starting home churches all over the world weekly.  It's truly remarkable.