Clearing My Physical Pathways

Clearing My Physical Pathways

5th May 2024


This Page Is Dedicated To Go Through The Right PHYSICAL Conditions I Had To Provide My Body to Be Able To Heal Physically.  Restoring Balance Back Into My Body Without Filling My Body with Chemicals Which Break Our Bodies Down.

Remember If I Can... You Can Do It Too!!! (Our Bodies Are Relatively Built The Same)



I had to eat to heal... and there was no cheating the process.  Essentially, I ate no preservatives (Which means avoiding foods with preservatives in them: foods prepared to sit in packages and boxes for sometimes years; because “The food industry we rely on puts preservatives in these foods so the foods don't break down. However, our body cannot break down these preservatives & these preservatives cause inflammation & break our bodies down.)

(This is the driving factor why there are no preservatives, perfumes, or dyes in THS.)


The changes I made to my diet, taking the right vitamins and herbs, along with exercise helped me loose a large amount of weight, and eliminated: pre-diabetes, high cholesterol and high blood pressure. My blood work started coming back balanced again!!! The journey to heal my nervous system created incredible healing throughout my entire body. It has truly has been an amazing journey!!!

I started realizing that our bodies are trying to communicate with us by the symptoms we experience.... we just don't know it.  That’s why we have headaches, bloating, tummy aches, skin disorders, (etc, etc). But I wasn’t listening to my body. I had never been taught that.

Certain foods create more problems in the gut, in the body, by creating more inflammation, and creating more blockages in the gut…

When I started realizing this, I changed my path again… I started a food journal… how certain foods made me feel. So, when a certain food made me feel bad, I eliminated it out of my diet. I started feeding my body what it needed.... and stopped feeding my emotions & my desires… for that 10 second of pleasure while it was in my mouth… & avoiding the prepackaged foods loaded with it for convenience. That my friend, is when I started noticing my health change dramatically.

So... Listen to your body!!!

Ultimately you are the only one who can decide what is right for you... but if you want your body to heal you must listen to what your body is saying… because it is trying to tell you what it is having trouble processing.

Sugar is 1 of the foods I avoid. Sugar creates inflammation in the body… and the side effects of sugar are identical to arsenic (only in lessor degrees). I substitute sugar for honey as much as possible. Honey is the only sugar substitute I have found that does not break the body down.

NOTE: THS has digestive herbal properties that have been reported to RELIEVE: mild blockages, bloating, and inflammation in our intestines.



I started monitoring my blood test results my doctor was monitoring. I became aware of the imbalances in my body and determined what I needed to do to correct those imbalances. I logged all changes in a notebook & took herbal supplements & vitamin supplements to assist balancing my bodies needs.



For me that meant I started taking NUPHORIA GOLD produced by the Doctors who wrote the book "Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite Of What Your Doctor Says" for their clients. It is a high concentrated form of vitamins that our bodies require to repair the nerve sheath and is key to defeating neuropathy. If you are a diabetic, you will want to look into adding Nuphoria Blue to your regimen along with Nuphoria Gold.



The Herbs in THS clear the pathways so the body can do what it is designed to do.  I rarely take internal herbs anymore, because THS provides the right balance of herbs for my entire body which assists the immune system response to be able to heal.

NO NEED FOR HERBS TO SIT IN THE GUT ANY MORE...  I think it's just amazing!!!


(The skin is one of the most AMAZING pathways in our bodies.)



After I take my Hot Nightly Soak In A Tub Or Take A Hot Shower I Rub THS all over my Body to Clear My Pathways... (You can also sit in a Jacuzzi, or Sauna or even lay on a heating pad and get the same affect.)

- Heat helps thinnen the lymph fluid in our body (the lymph fluid is toxic inflammation that causes pain in our bodies, it can become thick and difficult to clear if it is not cleared; this, I clear it nightly).

- The HERBS in THS clear the pathways so the immune system can do what it is designed to do; HEAL!!!

NOTE: Do not burn yourself. Hot means comfortably hot as you can tolerate without burning or bringing discomfort to your body. Remember Above All Do No Harm. Heat is meant to Assist Healing… Not To Create Injury.



I work hard to correct my posture because bad posture puts pressure on the vagus nerve, which causes so many problems throughout our entire body. I encourage you to watch this video by Dr Ross Hauser. He explains it in details. VagusNerve Function & Pathology Webinar - Part 1- Ross Hauser, MD - YouTube

The vagus nerve controls our breathe, our emotions, and every organ in our body. So our posture is a very important part of our physical/emotional/mental/& spiritual healing. It's all connected.

When we are stressed we tend to slump our shoulders (which pinches that very important nerve & then we start breathing shallow, which creates more cortisol... which creates more inflammation). It's the vicious cycle.

The Vagas Nerve is complexly associated with our physical and our emotional and our mental pathways.



I SLOWLY STOPPED TAKING MOST OF THE PRESCRIPTIONS MY DOCTORS SAID THAT I NEEDED.  I researched the side effects from all the prescriptions I was on & boy was I surprised what I found.... I followed the direction of the doctors from this book, "Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite Of What Your Doctor Says"

which meant I got off all of these prescription drugs I was taking that I could. (The book above explains it all, and why it is crucial for healing). Though my doctor argued with me about me getting off Gabapentin and other medications I was taking, I did get off them, and it changed my life for the better.

Note:  If you do get off your medications make sure to consult your doctor before decreasing any medicines. Certain medications make our bodies dependent on them, and we have to get off them very slowly. (You have to make your own health decisions for yourself, I am not here to make those decisions for you).

TURNS OUT Our nervous system is like the CPU for our entire body… specifically the Vagus Nerve, which literally communicates with every organ in our entire body, regulates our emotions, & our breath. When we have nerve damage… our nervous system is not capable of communicating correctly.

Unfortunately, taking medications like Gabapentin “the GO TO” medication doctors turn to for nerve damage… tells all the nerves in our entire body to go to sleep. It does not affect just the nerves that are hurting or damaged. It affects the entire nervous system in the entire body.

No wonder I was having problems with: my respiratory system / my circulatory system / my muscles / my brain / my lungs / my digestive system / and my body could not heal!

What amazed me was that somehow, even though the nerves were asleep, the pain was still excruciating… every single minute of every single day... despite handfuls of medication every single day.

… And, that is why my body was shutting down on me.

Taking medications like Gabapentin was like putting a band aid on a Shark Bite!!!

Reading the book above helped me to realize I was on a destructive path & I had to take control of my situation… nobody lives in this body but me… and nobody was going to do it for me... but me.

When I started this journey, I didn't even know if it was possible to get pain relief without gabapentin (because that is what I was told) until I found out: It was possible! IT IS POSSIBLE!!!

I was so tired of taking this pill to cover up the side effects from that pill with more pills. It was a vicious cycle… and, nothing was working!!!  I HAD TO BREAK THE VICIOUS CYCLE.



I started rehabilitating my nerves and muscles by exercising in warm water (the water takes the weight off the muscles and joints and I was able to move in the water where I could not on land) ... and even though, the left side of my body was almost completely paralyzed, I can walk today because of the changes I made… & exercising in the warm water was a huge part of me being able to walk again.

I refer to that saying… “if you don’t use it, you loose it”. It’s 100% true. Our bodies require movement to be able to HEAL & perform the way it is supposed to.

Small Achievements Count Too… I never diminished even the smallest improvement… I stopped letting the pain stop me... I had to retrain my nerves to communicate effectively with my muscles and the other organs in my body.

I exercised in bed because I could not physically get out of bed walk more than 10 steps at a time. Movement is movement. It takes a lot of repetition to retrain the nerves, and organs, and muscles in our bodies. Be patient with yourself.

So even though I couldn't actually move a particular muscle.... I would flex that muscle as if I could.... over and over and eventually the muscles learned a new memory pattern and started creating new memories.


HERE ARE SOME STRETCHES I Did When I Was Immobile Stuck In Bed:

The 1st one - Works your Core Muscles in your Stomach and your Hip Joints (This Should Not Hurt... It Should Be Comfortable... Modify if Necessary)

Laying Flat On The Bed With your Legs About 2 Feet Apart Tilt your Hips Up, Suck in your Tummy, & Tuck in your Butt, & Do a Kegel (Tightening your Inner Thigh Muscles)

Hold for 3 seconds, Repeat 5 Times, 3 or 4 Times Per Day

The 2nd one - Works your Muscles In your Legs and your Joints In your Foot

(This Should Not Hurt... It Should Be Comfortable, Modify If Necessary...)

Do 1 Leg at a Time...

Extend 1 Leg Up in The Air Straight in Front of you, flex your Foot Back and Forth... (Working the Joint in your Ankle and Calf Muscle)

Hold For 3 to 5 Seconds Each Way you Flex

Suck In your Tummy & Tuck In your Butt As you Do These...

Do your Other Leg

Do These 5 Times Each, 3 or 4 Times Per Day

The 3rd one - Works your Muscles In your Thigh & Calf and Works your Joints: Hips, Knees, and Ankles

(This Should Not Hurt... It Should Be Comfortable, Modify as Necessary)

Do 1 Leg at a Time

Extend 1 Leg Straight Up into The Air... Hold For 3 Seconds then Open your Leg Outward About a Foot... Hold For 3 Seconds

Take your Other Leg and Bend It Straight in Front of you... (Keeping your Foot on The Bed)

Cross the Foot that is in the Air Over your Leg that is Bent... (Just Under your Knee) ... Hold for 3 seconds

Then (Slowly) Take your Leg that is Bent & Bring it Towards your Tummy...
Feel the Stretch... Hold it 3 Seconds

*** I Like to GENTLY Push My Leg That is Crossed (Towards My Foot) to Get a Deeper Stretch... & hold for 3 Seconds While Sucking in My Tummy & Tuck in my Butt as I do these

Then Do your Other Leg...

Do These 5 Times Each Leg, 3 or 4 Times Per Day 


7.  SAUNA:

Infrared Sauna helps heal nerves. After I do the wellness class at the YMCA every Monday, Wednesday, and Friday I take a hot shower then go into the Sauna for 10 to 15 minutes. (Consult your doctor to make sure you can sit in a sauna before trying this.)  then I apply THS when I get out and continue on with my day.

I had so many benefits from the experiences doing this... thank you to the YMCA and the people in the wellness class ("My YMCA Family") who supported me and encouraged me throughout my journey!!! I am truly appreciative, and I love you all :)



Acupuncture intimidated me at first... because I envisioned it was going to be painful... but to my surprise it did not hurt & I received great relief & growth from the acupuncture that I have done. It can help reset your chakra energies, and it can help relieve nerve pain.



Soaking in Hot Mineral Springs helps heal nerves. (This is On My Favorite Things to Do List). I receive so many benefits from swimming in hot springs when I was close to them. I’m not close to 1 anymore, but every time I find myself passing by, I seize the opportunity & go have a soak. If you have the opportunity, the minerals can be truly healing.

... ... ... ...


So finally, I could walk again, but… every single second… of every single day… I still experienced that unrelenting nerve pain... until I created THS.

Dealing with that pain was the hardest thing I ever had to do in my life, but I was determined to remain steadfast.

That persistency is what got me got me through... and what led me to creating THS - Transformation Herbal Salve & Massage Oil

NOTE: Inflammation causes swelling, bruising, & pressure on the nerves which are already misfiring. This pressure is the big driving factor that cause additional pain.  There is nerve pain & nerve healing by clearing the inflammation from the pathways... keep using the THS Salve or Massage Oil.

THS has Transformed My Pain into Peace

They Said I Couldn't... But I Said I CAN!!!
My Doctors said I was never going to walk again... but, I DIDN'T HAVE IT IN ME TO GIVE UP... I researched and investigated many things to change my situation... Then I applied those things & changed my situation… and the only Master Herbalist I know led me the rest of the way to creating THS. 

Here is a link that jumps to How THS Became What It Is Today