Quick Tutorial About Our Healing Process: Inflammation, The Lymphatic System, & The Immune System Response

29th Apr 2024

Our Lymphatic System Is Responsible for picking up Lymph Fluid & Transporting the Lymph Fluid to our collarbone through our lymph nodes to transport & filter toxins out of our body. This process is an important part of our immune system response and how our bodies heal and stay healthy.

Lymph Fluid - Is Inflammation that our immune system response sends out as part of the healing process to pick up toxins in our body.


INFLAMMATION - presents itself in the form of: swelling, bruising, pressure, redness, heat, &/or pain.

If lymph fluid sits and becomes stagnant and the fluid does not get cleared from our bodies, THE TOXIC FLUIDS CAN INCREASE, GET THICKER, & CREATE PAIN & DISEASE (including cancer).


Our bodies try to communicate with us that something is wrong by presenting persistent symptoms such as: migraines, allergies, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, digestive problems, becoming vulnerable to illnesses like respiratory infection, lipomas, etc before severe disease sets in.  NOTE:  The underlying problem assocated between all these things is inflammation.

These symptoms are our bodies way of trying to communicate to us that it can't process something... (meaning our lymphatic system is not moving & clearing the toxins that inflammatory cells picks up as part of our immune system response).

Once the pathways are cleared... our body' immune system response can start healing.  The herbs in THS (Transformation Herbal Salve) are known to help clear the pathways so the immune system response can do what it is designed to do... HEAL.

See my nerve damage repair page for a full list of healthy lifestyle changes to promote healing.

NOTE: Keep using THS for severe problems.  Most blockages didn't get there over night.  




Inflammation is created when our immune system response sends out inflammatory cells to a site to attack toxic pathogens (such as: viruses, bacteria, toxins, or damaged tissue from an injury).

Symptoms of Inflammation can include: 

warmth, redness, fever, bruising, swelling, pain,& can cause permanent damage & deformities to our joints from the swelling and pressure.

Acute Inflammation:  

is from a sudden injury (such as a burn). Our Immune System Response sends inflammatory cells to the site of the injury... to help heal the injury.

Chronic Inflammation:  

is when our body continuously sends inflammatory cells to a site where there is no current injury.

Chronic inflammation may cause:  chest pain, fatigue, joint pain or stiffness, mouth sores, rashes, eczema, psoriasis, sinus issues, breathing issues, asthma, copd, respiratory infections, headaches, migraines, bloating, intestinal issues, adnominal pain, etc.

Chronic Inflammation is the underlying factor for most modern diseases and disorders;& can lead to death if our lymphatic system becomes stagnant or clogged and is not able to clear inflammation & toxins from our body.

Some inflammation diseases & disorders include:   

arthritis, lupus, restless leg syndrome, water retention, fibromyalgia, joint pain, circulation problems, pain from degenerative disorders in our spine, diabetes, etc.

Inflammation can also be the underlying factor for:  

respiratory infections, digestive issues, headaches, migraines, skin disorders, sinus flare ups, can put pressure on joints and organs, & worse menstrual cramps.




Our lymphatic system has the very important job absorbing, transporting, clearing inflammation and toxins (toxic lymph fluid). It is very important to move the lymphatic system for pain relief & healing to occur to sustain life.

The herbs in THS promote: lymphatic movement, pain relief, & healing. :)

Lymphatic Vessels: 

Our lymphatic vessels have tentacles that branch out throughout our bodies with little sponges at the end

… which pick up & absorb the inflammatory cells & toxins (toxic lymph fluid) that our immune system sent out to BEGINNING OF THE HEALING PROCESS

… then transports the toxic fluid toward our collarbone through our lymph nodes where the toxins are filtered out & eliminated out of our bodies.

Lymph Nodes: 

Our lymph nodes is the filtration system in our body that is responsible for clearing toxic fluid... 

(toxic fluid aka: lymph fluid, or inflammation that has picked up toxins throughout our bodies). 


Lymph Nodes are located throughout our bodies but bunched in patches in various places within the lymphatic system in our bodies: the Backside of our Knee Area, our Groin Area, our Stomach Area, the Inside of our Elbow Area, our Armpit Area, in our Neck, & at our Collarbone.

Our lymphatic vessels flow 1 direction:  forward toward the collarbone… then the clean lymph fluid gets transported from our collarbone to our heart and restored back into our circulatory system.

When we are inactive or immobile so is our lymphatic system  because it does not have a pump like our circulatory system... therefore, it cannot move the lymph fluid on its own without movement.

… then the toxic lymphatic fluids in our bodies become stagnant & clogged causing: more pain, more disorders, more disease, & can even lead to death. 

Blockages are a vicious cycle indeed!!!

It is just INCREDIBLE to imagine being loved so much that our Father In Heaven loved us so much that he created our bodies with its own personal healing system.  We literally have an entire healing interstate with its own roadmap built into our bodies ready to heal our bodies.  We just have to clear the pathways and keep them cleared so they can do what they are designed to do: heal!!!