How Transformation Herbal Salve Came To Be What It Is Today

22nd Apr 2024

This is my crazy amazing journey of how Transformation Herbal Salve came to be what it is today.

In January 2018... 2 years before I would start making this marvelous Salve... I was inspired by an overwhelming desire in my heart that " I need to create an herbal salve with herbal benefits that would benefit the entire body".

Though I did not listen to the call at that time... because I was being a stubborn mule... making the excuse "I don't know how to make a Salve" each time the desire came into my heart. The Lord was persistent and kept working on me putting the desire back into my heart over and over again; until eventually he decided I was going to need persuading to do what he was calling me to do and that I was gonna listen to the calling he had set forth in front of me. 1 full year went by of me not listening to the call and I ended up getting skin cancer on my cheek.

Just like Jeremiah couldn't escape his calling with excuses why he could not be a prophet in a conversation he had with the Lord in the Bible... I will refer you to Jeremiah 1:4-9. I could not escape my calling with excuses when called either.

January 6, 2019, I had the skin cancer burned off my cheek the 1st time, but I still wouldn't make the Salve. Instead of listening to the Lord... I kept putting my faith into the medical system that had already failed me numerous times in my life. After all that’s what I was supposed to do... Right?

In Sept 2019, I had the skin cancer burned off my cheek again only deeper than the first time. Although, I knew I needed to make a Salve with Herbal benefits that will help the entire body, and even though I kept saying I need to make it over and over again... I still I wouldn't make the Salve. Friends, words with no action are fruitless and have no value.

In January 2020, the skin cancer came back with a vengeance a 3rd time... this time the spot was almost as big as a quarter in the same spot on my cheek. My doctor prescribed a cream for me to use. Ironically, I was allergic to the cream, & my face swelled up like a puffer fish... it felt like acid eating my face off and was excruciatingly painful from the new injuries the medicine was causing. My doctor told me to stop using the cream immediately. I couldn't use the cream as a treatment for the skin cancer. It had been 2 full years since the Lord put the desire to make the salve into my heart.

And that my friend, was the day that I submitted to the calling and I started making a Salve with herbal benefits to benefit the entire body. "The herbs in this Salve clear the pathways so the immune system can actually do its job & function the way God designed it to do... to filter toxins & heal." This was just about the time of the Covid breakout. The skin cancer healed up without even leaving a visible scar and has never come back after I started using this Salve to clear my pathways on my face.

This journey has truly given me a true appreciation of how much God loves us. Afterall, why else would he create our bodies with its very own filtration system and a special ability to heal itself... all it needs is the right conditions. However, with all the chemicals in our air & water and preservatives (chemicals) in our food & medicines our filtration system (also known as our lymphatic system) gets backed up & becomes stagnant and can't clear the pathways efficiently, preventing our bodies from clearing and healing, then our bodies start breaking down on us.

Looking back, I can say now that I recognize just how important listening and submitting to each and every calling the Lord has set aside for each and every single one of us is... & I understand the importance of why God called me to make this Salve.

Our Pastor Randy Hadwick from Last Days Harvest Ministries Chiloquin, Oregon (He does Home Church Through Youtube) says... "God qualifies those he calls... he doesn't call the qualified"... Yes Randy, you are very right my friend!!! God didn't come to me because I was qualified... he didn't come to me with directions like he did to Noah... instead he qualified me because I was called. Daniel 2:21 says ("He changes times and seasons; he deposes kings and raises up others. He gives wisdom to the wise and knowledge to the discerning.")

Well, I am the discerning... I just had to be convinced.

I started this journey by putting 17 herbs that I had tried, trusted, and truly believed needed to be in my 1st batch of Salve… not having a clue what I was doing... and, I found amazing healing benefits from the herbs in the very 1st batch of Salve and I knew it was amazing!!! But, I didn't stop there because the Holy Spirit kept saying you're not done... even when I thought it was done.

Instead, he started leading me what to put in the Salve from there, creating unknown processes I was to use to make the Salve silky smooth, deleting some of the original herbs I put in it... and I was just amazed by it all. In the end, this Blended & Blessed Salve has over 25 herbs in it... but through the entire process he expected me to research and learn why and how it was working.

There came a point and time I realized Transformation Herbal Salve was not my recipe; and as much as I would love to say it's mine, I cannot honestly claim it as my own creation. Instead, I just want to say I am so very thankful to the only Master Herbalist that I know for leading me to this beautiful divine creation and entrusting me to protect it; for his loving mercy, light, & direction; and for his patience & forgiveness for my delay.

This Salve is beyond anything I could have ever created on my own. It’s important to note, I am not claiming this Salve has miracle healing (only the Lord performs mighty miracles like that)... I am claiming God directed me & used me as a vessel to make this amazing Salve with clearing benefits from a combination of specific herbs that the Lord provided for us to use on our bodies for our bodies to function better.

There were 2 occasions other people made suggestions and the Lord tested me... (are you going to be led by them or are you going to be led by me?) ... on 2 different occasions I failed the test... the Lord let me go through the process one time testing me: he let me spend hours and hours processing the herb; the other time: he tested me letting me pay the expense of obtaining herbs and vitamins and just before I added them to my pot on each occasion... the Holy Spirit yelled at me, saying "NO"... I said "No? Why No?"

I was to learn why... and I did. The Salve was to be a Natural Remedy; No Nuts, No Preservatives, No Anything Artificial, No Poppies, No Marijuana; just a Specific "All Natural" Combination of Herbs that Work Together and Absorb Through the Skin... so nothing has to sit in the gut… using only Olive Oil as the base.

There were times I'd pray for guidance, one such prayer went like this: "Father I love the earthy scent but so and so does not like it, and if we want people use it, the scent cannot be so earthy, what do I do?"... and you know what, he put 1 specific herb in my mind; and the exact measurement I was to use that almost completely neutralized the scent and made it more desirable to use.

The last miraculous intervention was when I asked the Lord to lead me and make the Salve work faster because I did not like having to wait 20 minutes for clearing to start. So, I asked for guidance; & he led me in concentrating it and he led me to 1 additional specific herb I was to use to make it even better. I could not get that herb out of my mind!!! I knew I was to use it. I researched it but could not get my hands on it. I was thinking I was going to have to wait 6 months for it to grow in the wild somewhere, forage it, test it, then wait a year or so to get seed to grow on my own. But that was not the Lord's plans; instead... 2 months later that specific herb started growing all over my 7 acres of land. Now I had been on that land for 6 years at that point and that specific herb was not growing on that property until that exactly time... then it was all over that property. So, it grew, & I processed it, and got the Salve exactly where it is today. It is exactly perfect, and the Salve was done... finally!!!

Summer of 2023, I was able to start spreading the word and getting this amazing Salve on the market by word of mouth. Not in my time, but in the Lord's time.

The Lord is marvelous, and all knowing; all we have to do is listen and submit to what the Holy Spirit puts into our hearts. The Holy Spirit dwells in each and every one of us. If you want to know did God lead me in creating this Salve... all you have to do is ask him and listen. He will tell you the answer. After all, you are here; he has already brought you to it. Try a little on the region where you are hurting, or have an injury and see for yourself just how marvelous it is. This combination of herbs assists our bodies filtration system by clearing the pathways so our immune systems can start the healing process.

It’s important to remember though, using this Salve is about getting the herbs into your skin, you have to actually use it on the region for it to work. If you have chronic inflammation or severe issues you may need to continue using it to keep getting the results you want until your body doesn't need it any longer.

I manage all my severe chronic pain from my neck being broke clearing my pathways nightly, with heat, then deep tissue massage and/or lymphatic massage (but the herbs work all by themselves just by rubbing them into the skin). I agree with all those testimonials I get from people when they say “I never want to be without this Salve”... because honestly neither do I!!!


This is my testimony about what I've learned about how special our bodies are and healing, on this journey and scripture that supports my belief system

Genesis 1:27 ESV says ("So God created man in his own image, in the image of God he created him; male and female he created them.") Then the Bible states our bodies are a temple... John 2:21 NIV says ("But the temple he had spoken of was his body.”) ... His body refers to Jesus Christ our loving Savior's body. These scriptures say to me that our bodies are specially made. We are to listen; and respect our bodies; and treat them with kindness for them to function fully the way they were designed to work.

I think of these scriptures; and I realize the act of love God gave us when he made our bodies. He made our bodies of complex systems that will not work and function without each other... instead the systems function together because of each other. The Lord made our lymphatic system like an interstate... it’s all connected... its job is to transport & filter. It is truly a marvelous work and wonder, we have a roadmap built into our bodies that are supposed to clear the pathways... so our immune system can heal viruses, diseases, injuries, and filter toxins from our bodies... it’s just so amazing!!! He also created our bodies so advanced that our bodies communicate with us. You might be saying... "say what"?

Well, our bodies try to communicate to us through symptoms such as: bloating, headaches, fever, pain, heartburn, sore muscles, purple feet, respiratory infections... and so on. But we are so busy with daily life most of us are not listening to our bodies anymore... or simply don't know that our bodies are trying to communicate with us. Instead, we trust on the medical system that gives us pills or treatments that break our bodies down even more... how often do we actually get a cure for what ails us from a doctor? I want you to really ponder that ?... how often do we actually get a cure for what ails us from a doctor?... really, honestly ponder the answer.

The Lord gifted us with special healing by creating herbs and spices, and he tells us in the Bible that he created these things to heal our bodies... and these scriptures lead me to believe that God wants to be our healer... but are we listening?

Revelation 22:2 NIV says — "down the middle of the great street of the city. On each side of the river stood the tree of life, bearing twelve crops of fruit, yielding its fruit every month. And the leaves of the tree are for the healing of the nations."

Jeremiah 46:11 NIV says — “Go up to Gilead and get balm, Virgin Daughter Egypt. But you try many medicines in vain; there is no healing for you.

Mark 5:25-29 NIV says ("25And a woman was there who had been subject to bleeding for twelve years. 26She had suffered a great deal under the care of many doctors and had spent all she had, yet instead of getting better she grew worse. 27When she heard about Jesus, she came up behind him in the crowd and touched his cloak, 28because she thought, “If I just touch his clothes, I will be healed.” 29Immediately her bleeding stopped and she felt in her body that she was freed from her suffering.")

Revelations 3:18 NIV Jesus said... (18 "I counsel you to buy from me gold refined in the fire, so you can become rich; and white clothes to wear, so you can cover your shameful nakedness; and salve to put on your eyes, so you can see.")

I believe with all my heart, God wants to heal us, he wants us to respect our bodies, and cherish the gifts of healing so that we can provide the right conditions for our bodies to heal; not abuse our bodies with chemicals or create injuries & pretend more injuries is healing. Jesus still performs instantaneous miracles at this time; and he loves us so much he also provided herbs and spices with healing benefits for us to help ourselves. Are we listening?

I must say... yes Lord, I am finally listening... and thank you for letting me see all the amazing things this Salve has done to help people. He wants us to acknowledge the blessings and gifts he has given us.

It's Time To Trust The Strength Of Your Wings And Start Your Transformation Today!!! "Inspired By the Only Master Herbalist that I Know" @

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