
4th Feb 2024

Reflection!!! After my neck was broke... i lost my identity... I couldn't see my reflection anymore. In the most excruciating pain... i thought i was stuck in that wheelchair & bedridden for life (after all thats what the doctors were saying)... I was lost, broken, afraid... and there were times i didn't know if I could bare the pain anymore... If you find yourself lost, broken, tolerating pain, questioning if you can bare the pain just 1 more minute or just 1 more day... know you are not alone. There are solutions out there!!! The #1 cause of suicide is pain. I am here today to tell you... YOU ARE NOT ALONE!!! Know our Savior loves you and is waiting to help you... this is just a season. Just like when the caterpillar goes into a cocoon... it is just for a season... but with time caterpillars transform into beautiful butterflies then spread their wings and fly. What a magnificent transformation!!! Never give up. Assess your situation... pray... love yourself... find your strength and your wings... tomorrow can be different. Don't stop moving... our bodies require movement!!! Much love transformation fam!!! I keep you all in my prayers. I am grateful my journey has led me to you... such a blessing it is to get to help others with the knowledge i found through my own journey. Don't give up!!! If you would like to know how I restored my health & repaired nerve damage please visit my nerve damage repair page... OUR BODIES ARE DESIGNED TO HEAL THEMSELVES... UNDER THE RIGHT CONDITIONS. If I can do it... you can do it too!!! We are not alone... eventhough sometimes it feels like we are. Never ever give up... remember... this is just a season. Spread your wings my friend. Much love!!! If you would like to start your transformation, transforming your pain into peace go to: Https:// Sometimes it's just the little things we can do for ourselves that make the biggest differences. ❤️