TERSTIMONIAL: Spider Bite: Melissa

18th Aug 2022


”I got bit by a spider and used this salve to boost my immune system, speed my recovery, clear the infection, and decrease my pain. I'm a retired nurse and I've never seen healing like this before. My finger was instantly swollen, extremely painful, there was a red streak going up my arm toward my heart, and I couldn't wrap my hand around the stirring wheel. I called my doctor right away but she couldn't see me and referred me to a different doctor. Then, I thought to call my sister hoping she might have an herbal remedy.

My sister told me to ‘grab the salve’ and she walked me through lymphatic massage to get my immune system working for me. She went on to explain that there r medicinal properties in the salve that could detox and clear the toxins from my body. We did lymphatic massage over the phone for 20 minutes from my fingertips to my collarbone focusing on the side I got the bite on.

I called the doctor my doctor referred me to and got on some antibiotics. 20 minutes after using this salve, I was able to wrap my hands around the steering wheel to drive to the doctor. There was no pain, and the red streak had already started decreasing. The doctor prescribed me antibiotics and told me to expect nausea and fever, which never occurred. I kept using the salve for 4 or 5 more days with lymphatic massage. By day 3 I could make a full fist. By day 5 I had completely recovered.

Melissa - Nov 2021