TESTIMONIAL: 1st & 2nd Degree Burn: Liz

18th Aug 2022

1st & 2nd Degree BURN “I got distracted and swiped my fingers over the burner on the electric stove... It was on setting 7. I instantly got (What my husband I believe to be) 2nd & 3rd degree burns with huge nasty blisters & red burned flesh down 3 of my fingers from fingertips to the palm of my hand. I instantly grabbed the salve and put it on right away because of Dana’s burn testimonial. I let the salve sit on my fingers for 20 minutes without rubbing it in... Honestly, I was afraid to touch it. In the beginning the medicinal benefits from the salve changed the burning to a stinging for a minute followed by extreme pain relief.

I wiped the salve off after 20 minutes and decided real quick I wanted it back on. So I reapplied THS to my fingers for 44 more minutes without rubbing it in. All the red from the burn had disappeared, the blisters were flat, the smaller blisters had already disappeared, & there was no pain. When I was massaging the salve into my fingers I noticed I could squeeze my fingers over the blisters, and still no pain. It was incredible; I’ve never seen anything like this!!! You could see the flattened blisters where the burn damaged the skin… but no more pain, no more fluid in the blisters, and no more redness.

I showed Jeff the healing that took place after 64 minutes he said, “that's incredible!!!!” I told him, “touch the blisters” & he resisted. I said, “its ok, touch them”... with a little coaxing he finally agreed but barely ran his finger across the blisters. I said, “no touch them”... and I took 2 of my fingers (from my other hand) and put them around my fingers where the blisters were and squeezed and said, “LOOK, THERES NO PAIN” :) He said, “that’s wild.” Jeff said, “BURN UNITS COULD USE THAT SALVE”... I said, “they sure could!!!”

I had my fingers wrapped around a bottle brush 15 minutes after that and finished doing what I was in the middle of… with no pain!!!

2nd day, you could see the blisters, but they were flat, painless, no fluid, & no redness.

3rd day, you could barely see the blisters.

4th day, the skin where the blisters were started to thicken. No pain, redness, or fluid.

6th day, everything has healed except the thicker blister inside the knuckle has cracked slightly, still no pain, no fluid, no redness.

7th day, all blisters seem to be healing very quickly!!!

There was some peeling a few days after that, but the entire experience was relatively painless.

It's unbelievable… but crazy true!!! IF YOU GET A BURN APPLY SOME THS IMMEDIATELY.“ :)

— Liz - Feb 26, 2022