TESTIMONIAL: 3rd / 4th Degree Burn

13th Feb 2023

Transformation Herbal Salve healed this 3rd & 4th degree Burn in 9 days. ... ... ... ... "A hot ball of melted plastic was stuck to my fingers for 25 minutes. The 1st 10 minutes I couldn't think to find the salve because the pain was so bad. I put the salve on at the 10 minute mark, 15 minutes later the hot melted plastic came off with little help from me and did not rip the skin. The burn was so deep it damaged the nerves on the tips of my fingers; but, the healing was so fast it didn't leave visual scars on my skin. It even cleared the infection I got from not taking care of the wound appropriately. Im so thankful I had Transformation Herbal Salve on hand to clear my lymphatic system so my immune system could heal this 3rd and 4th degree burn in 9 days." - Liz ... ... ... ... TRANSFORMATION HERBAL SALVE & Massage Oil (THS) is created from a proprietary blend of over 25 herbs that promote clearing the lymphatic system and promotes hydration, healing, & relieves pain, swelling, & bruising. .. so that your body can start the healing process without the long painful wait.