TESTIMONIAL: Achillies Tendon, Burn: Dana

18th Aug 2022


”The salve is amazing. I've been having some pain at the insertion of my achilles tendon on my left heel for weeks - in fact I've been worried that it was getting ready to rupture since that happened to my mom several years back. I still don't know what to attribute the soreness and tenderness to, but after putting the salve on it for a couple of days it was markedly better - in fact I've been walking almost normally again. It's still tight for some reason, so I'm doing some gentle stretching to loosen it back up.”

BURN “I also burned my thumb on a baking tray I was pulling out of the oven. It blistered up almost immediately and even though I put fresh aloe on it quickly it was still pretty painful. I put the salve on it and experienced increased burning for a minute or so, followed by a sha

rp reduction in pain afterwards.

Curious, I put some more on and experienced the burning again, but for a shorter time and with less intensity, and had virtually no pain afterward. I could even put my hand in very warm water to do the dishes without a single twinge of sensitivity from the burn. The blister even seemed mostly dry rather than being bubbled up. Very interesting - it's probably the first herbal remedy I've tried that shows such clear cut results.”

— Dana - Dec 2021