TESTIMONIAL: Circulation, Bloating, Cracked Feet, Stronger Fingernails, Nerve Pain - Helene - Klamath Falls OR

16th Apr 2023

Testimonial April 6, 2023 

"It was after Christmas of 2022, that Reta went with me to Asante to examine the lump on my back on the right hand side just below my shoulder blade. The Ultrasound showed a benign Lipoma measuring 4x1.0x2.0cm. 

When Liz was a guest speaker in our group, February 16th of this year, her talks was highlighting Inflammation and she introduced her homemade product in salve and oil form called Transformation-Herbal-Salve and she provided us with her website. 

I talked to Liz during the 5 minutes break and showed her my lump and she felt the size of the lump. I bought the 4oz salve and when I got home I immediately applied it to my body and put a good amount of salve in my lump. 

After three weeks of that regimen I noticed the size went down. I was really pleased. You see, I am a firm believer in natural remedy. 

On March 10, I got the second bottle of 4oz of salve and currently the size of the lump is getting smaller. 

I will not stop until it is completely gone! 

While I was concentrating on putting the salve on my back, I noticed that the salve was doing other things in my body such as 

cracked heels replaced by soft and smooth heels, 

no more tingling on my feet, 

bloating when I ate yams and plantain bananas (cooked/fried) and good release of air, what a relief. 

And the best part on March 25th I noticed my fingernails were bright pinkish that morning. I said WOW.. (I talked to our Father all the time), I said "Father, you mean I am healthy? even though I don't get much sleep sometimes? Yes, having a pinkish color in your fingernails is an indication of good circulation. 

When you go to a Naturopathy, one thing they will look at - is your fingernails to see what color it shows. David and I only take supplements and not prescription drugs, currently I haven't had primary care since December 2020 after the doctor pushed Statin drugs on me. If I need to see a doctor I just go to an Urgent Care. 

I also listen and watch a Health Forum a regular YouTube channel from the Philippines. I wished to share it with you but it's a mixture of English and Tagalog. 

I have 7 Doctors I follow: 

1) Dr. Air- inhale/exhale 

2) Dr. water- half of your total weight - equal the ounces you drink 

3) Dr. Sunshine- I basked the Sun from my bedroom window facing East 

4) Dr. Exercise- I danced in front of a YouTube channel to get sweat and I go to the sauna twice a week. 

5) Dr. Diet- no more eating rice except at Filipino party I learned that Inflammation in your guts is the beginning of different kinds of illnesses. 

I also learned that we believers we become righteous because we claim our rights from His promises: 

Genesis 1:29 And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb bearing seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in the which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for meat. 

Revelation 22:2 In the midst of the street of it, and on either side of the river, was there the tree of life, which bare twelve manner of fruits, and yielded her fruit every month: and the leaves of the tree were for the healing of the nations."