TESTIMONIAL: Restless Leg Syndrome, Cracked Heels, Soft Tissue Injury, Muscle Spams, Anti-Aging & More: Liz

18th Aug 2022

NERVE DAMAGE “My testimonial is on the NERVE DAMAGE REPAIR page.”

Restless Leg Syndrome and Muscle Spasms

"I use Transformation Herbal Salve to calm my Restless Leg Syndrome so I can sleep in peace at night & relax muscle spasms within a minute."

DRIED PAINFUL CRACKS ON HEELS “I had dried painful cracked feet my whole life... until now... thanks to THS. I tried everything on the market and nothing worked... and everything was painful... until I used THS. DAY 1-3 I used a liberal amount of THS and massaged the medicinal benefits into my feet twice a day. Day 4 I soaked my feet in warm Epsom Salt water for 20 minutes / dried them thoroughly / then filed off the dead skin with a fingernail file. The skin literally fell off with incredible healing. I have used THS on my feet daily since and my feet are baby soft!!!”

Soft Tissue INJURY “I fell & ended up with a tennis ball size knot on the back of my head. I used THS with 4 Lymphatic Massage sessions, and brought the fluids down to my neck. I completely moved all the fluids within 24 hours.” I do not recommend anybody try this at home without receiving medical treatment if the injury is severe please seek medical attention along with using THS.


ANTI-AGING “I used THS and massaged the medicinal benefits into my face using Lymphatic Massage twice a day.”

I’ve also experienced other benefits from using THS that include relieving and managing pain from: restless leg syndrome, nerve damage, muscle spasm relief, fibromyalgia, arthritis.”

— Liz - Dec 2021