The I Can't Syndrome

16th Apr 2023

I found myself writing this text today and thought I would share it with you...

'The I Can't Syndrome'... I know it well. 

I can not tell you how many people said to me, "it's not your responsibility to educate people"... that's true...

However, knowledge is power and I love helping people understand how to help themselves... THS works because the herbs in it unblock the pathways in our bodies. Combined with healthy lifestyle changes I reversed:


High cholesterol 

My oxygen level was about 83 when I would lay down and sleep 

High blood pressure 

& my Blood rate was high 

But all of that cleared up with my diet and using THS.

My blood sugar is perfect. 

My blood pressure is 118/78 

My oxygen level 100% 

My Heart rate 80 

It's all about clearing the pathways.

Have a blessed day!!!