Lymphatic Massage


A Healthy Lymphatic System is a beautiful thing!!!  Our bodies can not be healthy without having a healthy, “moving”, lymphatic system.   Our immune system is greatly associated with our lymphatic system. If we are inactive or immobile so is our lymphatic system & so is our immune system.


The lymphatic system runs directionally through our entire body towards our collarbone.  It has little sponge like tentacles that collect, transport, and clean toxic fluids throughout our body then restores healthy fluids back into our blood stream.

If our lymphatic system is stagnant or clogged it can affect our immune system response and slow or prevent healing, leaving our susceptible to illness, pain, & disease.  Healing starts by clearing the inflammation out of our body.


By using Lymphatic Massage when you are applying THS, you are telling your lymphatic system which direction to move the fluid.  


(Lymphatic Massage is like a Roadmap 'DIRECTING THE TOXIC FLUIDS TO THE COLLARBONE passing through our lymph nodes).  


Lymphatic Massage is a SIMPLE Massage Method to apply THS ... USING a Soft, Slow, Gentle, & Directional Brushing Motion toward the Collarbone area.



Siphon / Vacuum Affect:

By massaging both sides of your body because Lymphatic Massage starts a vacuum affect which ‘siphons the toxic fluids out of your lymphatic system faster’. THS is designed to work with lymphatic massage for chronic or more severe issues.  THS works if you choose to use it without lymphatic massage.


Our Lymphatic System Is Not Deep.  It sits between our skin and our muscles.  


Muscle Contractions push the toxic fluid to our collarbone through our lymphatic system moving through our lymph nodes.  


Our Immune System Response is highly associated with our lymphatic system.


“Lymphatic Massage is a Slow, Soft, Gentle Directional Massage that directs the existing toxic fluids in our lymphatic system towards our collarbone passing toxic fluids through our lymph nodes to be cleaned and restored back into our circular system.


If you can feel your muscles, you are pressing too hard. 



Lymphatic Massage is Directional...  Not Circular, Not Back and Forth... Massage Forward Toward Your Collarbone").

The combination (THS & Lymphatic Massage) helps clear our lymphatic system faster.  For injury, severe pain, or chronic pain, we suggest THS with Lymphatic Massage.




It is not always necessary to perform a full body lymphatic massage. You can treat yourself by targeting 1 or more areas of your body and perform lymphatic massage, or you can perform a full body lymphatic massage. 

It should take about 15 to 20 minutes or so to do a simple full body lymphatic massage.

Click Here To Access A Demonstration Of Our Lymphatic Massage Videos On Facebook:




To Perform a Full Body Lymphatic Massage:  

Apply a little THS to your collarbone area and massage it in briefly.


Perform Lymphatic Massage in this order: (See directions below this section)

Part 1 - Face & Neck Lymphatic Massage


Part 2.1 - Upper Body Lymphatic Massage (Fingers, Hands)


Part 2.2 - Upper Body Lymphatic Massage (Arms to Collarbone)


Part 3 - Lower Body Lymphatic Massage (Feet & Legs)


Part 4 - Body Lymphatic Massage (Back to Sides)


Part 5 - Digestion Lymphatic Massage (Stomach)


Part 6 - Body Lymphatic Massage (Front to Collarbone)


On the picture below you can see the direction of the brushing motion for lymphatic massage below:


LINES WITH ARROWS = Directional Flow of the Brushing Strokes for Lymphatic Massage

Lymph Node Areas:

Back side of your knees (back side of legs)
Groin area
Arm pit area
Other side of your elbow (on the front side of arms)
Neck (around chin line, under ears and down to collarbone area)
Collarbone area (for cleaning)
Heart (I suggest to direct the fluids from the heart to the lymph nodes in the arm pit then to the collarbone area for restoring)



Part 1 - Face & Neck Lymphatic Massage



(If THS gets in eyes, rinse thoroughly)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto your forehead - add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage.

Brush THS “up” then "around" towards the hairline on each side of your face "lifting upwards slightly" (3 - 5 times)
Brush "down" your nose towards your mouth (3 - 5 times)
Brush “around” under your eyes towards the side of your face "lifting slightly" (3 - 5 times)
Brush under your nose above your lip “around” to the side of your face (3 - 5 times)
Brush on your cheeks under your eyes “around” towards the side of your face (3 - 5 times)
Brush “down" the sides of your face towards the lymph nodes in your neck (3 - 5 times)
Brush under your mouth “downward” towards the lymph nodes in your neck (3 - 5 times)
forming your fingers into a V... wrap 2 fingers behind your ear and 2 fingers in front of your ear brush THS “across your jaw line” towards your chin (3 - 5 times)
Brush on your jaw line “downward” towards the lymph nodes in your neck (3 - 5 times)
forming your fingers into a V... wrap 2 fingers behind your ear and 2 fingers in front of your ear brush THS “downward” towards the lymph nodes in your neck (3 - 5 times)

Apply more THS as needed.


Don't forget to do both sides of your body as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.








Part 2.1  Upper Body Lymphatic Massage (Fingers, Hands)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto each of your fingers and add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage.

Take your forefinger and your thumb brush THS "around" the knuckle of each finger (3 - 5 times)
Taking your forefinger and your thumb brush THS “into” the each knuckle clockwise circles then counter clockwise circles ( 3 - 5 times) for arthritis (5 - 10 times)
Brush THS "up" to the palm of your hand (3 - 5 times)

Brush THS " from the palm of your hand to your forearm... working the THS “around” (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards the lymph nodes on the inside of your elbows (3 - 5 times)


Apply more THS as needed.


Don't forget to do both sides of your body as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.








2.2  Upper Body Lymphatic Massage (Arms to Collarbone)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto each of your arms and add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage.


Brush THS " from the palm of your hand to your forearm... working the THS “around” (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards the lymph nodes on the inside of your elbows (3 - 5 times)
Brush THS from the inside of your elbows... “around” (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards the lymph nodes in your armpit (3 - 5 times)
Brush THS from the lymph nodes in your armpit "up" to the lymph nodes in your neck by your collarbone area (3 - 5 times)


Apply more THS as needed.


Don't forget to do both sides of your body as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.








3.  Lower Body Lymphatic Massage (Feet & Legs)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto the area and add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage.



Start at your "feet"... brush THS “around” your foot (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards your ankle (3 -5 times)
Brush THS from your ankle to your calf... “around” (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards the lymph nodes on the back side of your knee (3 - 5 times)
Brush THS from the back side of your knee to the thigh... “around” (3 - 5 times) then “up” towards the lymph nodes by your groin (3 - 5 times)


Apply more THS as needed.

Don't forget to do both sides as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.








4. Body Lymphatic Massage (Back to Sides)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto the area and add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage.


At your "groin area"... brush THS "around" to the side of your body (3 - 5 times)

Brush THS from your buttocks "around" to the side of your body (3 - 5 times)

Brush THS from your back "around" to the side of your body (3 - 5 times)


Apply more THS as needed


Don't forget to do both sides of your body as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.








5.  Intestinal Directional Massage


To improve digestion and clear mild digestive blockages and bloating using THS, you will need to apply THS liberally and massage the medicinal benefits into your stomach with a circular massage that goes in the direction of your intestines.


Start anywhere on your stomach and massage in a circular motion
Massage (in circular motion) in large circles 5 - 10 times (the direction of your intestines)

Then massage (in circular motion) in small circles 5 - 10 times (in the direction of your intestines).

Down on your left side
Then over to your right on the lower part of your stomach
Up on your right side
Then over to the left side on the upper part of your stomach

Apply more THS as needed.


On the About THS page, there is a list of herbs that help aide digestive problems.









Part 6.  Body Lymphatic Massage (... Front & Up To The Collarbone)


Start by applying a small amount of THS onto the area and add more as needed throughout your lymphatic massage


Brush THS from the front "around" to the side of your body (3 - 5 times)
Brush THS "up" towards the lymph nodes in your armpit (3 - 5 times)
Brush THS from the lymph nodes in your armpit "up" to the lymph nodes in your neck by your collarbone area (3 - 5 times)

Apply more THS as needed.  


Don't forget to do both sides as you are creating a vacuum affect in your lymphatic system.





Learn More About Your Lymphatic System & Lymphatic Massage