Nightly Clearing Practices

6th May 2024


After I take my Hot Nightly Soak In A Tub Or Take A Hot Shower I Rub THS all over my Body to Clear My Pathways... (You can also sit in a Jacuzzi, or Sauna or even lay on a heating pad and get the same affect.)

- Heat helps thinnen the lymph fluid in our body (the lymph fluid is toxic inflammation that causes pain in our bodies, it can become thick and difficult to clear if it is not cleared; this, I clear it nightly).

- The HERBS in THS clear the pathways so the immune system can do what it is designed to do; HEAL!!!

NOTE: Do not burn yourself. Hot means comfortably hot as you can tolerate without burning or bringing discomfort to your body. Remember Above All Do No Harm. Heat is meant to Assist Healing… Not To Create Injury.