My Journey & What I Did To Clear My Pathways

My Journey & What I Did To Clear My Pathways

5th May 2024

My Journey & What I Do To Clear My Pathways:

Clearing Physical Pathways [Link]

This Is How I Reversed the Following Health Issues:  Severely High Blood Pressure, & High Cholesterol, Pre-Diabetes, COPD, Chronic Pneumonia, Asthma, Chronic Allergies, Migraines, Sleep Apnea, How I Restored My Oxygen Levels from 86% back to 100%, Cracks from Eczema, Arthritis, Fibromyalgia, & more.

& How I Overcame:  Being Immobile and What I Did to Walk Again; How I Repaired Muscle Atrophy & Nerve Damage from My Neck Being Broke.

In addition, You Will Why the HERBS In THS (Transformation Herbal Salve) are Necessary for Me to Manage the Excruciating Chronic Pain & Inflammation.


Clearing Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Pathways [Link]  

Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Stress creates just as much Cortisol as Physical Stress Does...

Cortisol Creates Inflammation...

Inflammation Can Create Physical Blockages If It Is Not Cleared...

Symptoms of Inflammation are: Swelling, Bruising, Pressure, Pain...

It is a vicious cycle, that must be broken.

So Clearing Our Emotional/Mental/Spiritual Pathways Is Just As Important As Clearing Our Physical Pathways... because they are complexly connected.


Nightly Clearing Practices [Link]

I Clear the Inflammation In My Lymphatic System Nightly.  This Helps Me Manage the Chronic Pain From Chronic Inflammation that my body creates.


I started my journey by getting this book:

"Defeat Neuropathy Now … In Spite Of What Your Doctor Says"

It goes into the details of how’s, the why’s, and what I needed to know regarding healing nerve damage for myself; & though it was not the only thing I used to Reversed the Health Issues I was having… (Partial List Listed Above) it most definitely was a very good start. (I do list the things I learned from that book here on this page but if you would like to read it for yourself, I certainly encourage that… because knowledge is power my friend.)


My Journey/My Expertise:

I am not a doctor, a nurse, a massage therapist, a physical therapist, a chiropractor, nor do I want to be... (and I do not diagnose people or interfere with their medical choices… I am just sharing what worked for me and how my healing journey has helped me improve my mobility, & general wellness… and if you want to take this advice and start your own journey… I’m taking this time to lay it out here for free for you to take the bull by the horns for yourself… for free)

My journey started with me being confined to a wheelchair and being bed ridden because my neck had been broken, in excruciating pain, watching my health slip through my fingers I knew I had to take action.

I found myself in a situation where the doctors couldn’t fix me.

I was desperately willing to change everything I could to be able to walk again. Not knowing how far I would get. My expertise was obtained through my own research, my own testing & trying what seemed like everything on the market (which most are bogus and simply don’t work) & through my personal experiences.  

I researched many books, including Natural Remedies, Medical books, Herbal books, Exercise books, Massage books, Meditation books, Acupuncture books, Vitamin books... I read any therapy book I could get my hands on looking for answers… and in my opinion, every word in the book above is true.

Though this book is not all I did; this 1 book changed so, so very much for me… including helping me understand where I needed to start to clear my physical pathways that helped me reverse the physical imbalances were causing in my body including nerve damage. Along the journey I started seeing my health issues (listed above) start to clear. ( Although, my doctors were saying I was never going to walk again; and, my primary care doctor told me after I restored my health that he had thought that I was going to die. I amazed them all.

‘The sad part of it is… even though all my doctors were so excited and couldn’t believe what they were witnessing, not 1 doctor asked me how I did it so that they could help someone else.’ )

I can think of no greater gift than passing the information on :)

I am truly grateful to the woman who took a moment out of her day to stop, sit down in front of me, and direct me to this book. She will always be an angel in my eyes. This book gave me hope when I didn't think there was any hope left. :) Thank you, lady whoever you are!

My Journey Ended Up With Me Creating THS & That Is How I'm Able To Manage My Chronic Pain From Having My Neck Broke.  This is my journey of How THS Became What It Is Today [Link].